The Costs of Owning a Car


You have a good job and you are getting a decent income. You feel independent and happy that you are actually accumulating more money than you are actually spending. Having more income and lesser expenses is the key to financial growth and independence . But just because you have a fat paycheck, does it actually … Read more

10 Tips for Fixing your Shopping Addiction

shopping addiction

Addiction is the cancer of the mind! From gambling to shopping addiction! There are many kinds of addictions that can surely destroy a person’s life, especially if that addiction is not acknowledged and not kept in check. Even if you are not a shopping addict and know how to manage your money, knowing the following … Read more

How to Fix Unmanageable Debt

It is not a pretty sight to see debt collectors knocking on your door, calling you day and night, taking your car away, or even seizing your home. What makes it even messier is that some people in debt, ignore collection letters, change their contact numbers, leave no forwarding address, and try to ditch. Don’t … Read more

Top 4 Bad Credit Habits

Buying items you can’t afford This is a no-brainer. People usually use credit to buy things because they don’t have cash on the spot. Not a problem if you can pay it off completely. However, it becomes a bad credit habit if they buy something that they can’t afford and are forced to finance the … Read more

How to Erase Bad Credit

fixing bad credit

Let’s say that you suddenly lose your job or have some kind of accident causing some kind of unexpected medical expense. You handled the unexpected road bump well and paid off the debts you just had. Through all of this, you think your credit is unscathed because you always paid your bills on time. However, … Read more

Discount for not Using a Credit Card?

credit card

The Typical Credit Transaction For example, if I buy an item that costs $100, the merchant is actually getting $96. This is because the merchant pays $4 if the there was a 4% processing fee every time a customer uses their card at the merchant’s store. Although the percentage varies among card issuers, it does … Read more

Tricks to Improve Credit Score

credit score tricks

So you came here to learn some tricks to improve your credit score? Good for you! What I’m about to share with you are some common tricks that can help you improve your credit score. Show you are not a flight-risk! The first tip is to show you are not a flight risk and this … Read more

About Getting a Secured Credit Card

secured credit card

For people with credit problems, a credit card called a secured credit card may be the right one for you. A secured card is a type of credit card that is easy to obtain even if you have no credit, have very low-income, or are simply unemployed. How to Get Started One way to get … Read more

Credit Cards versus Debit Cards

Credit Card vs. Debit Card Credit Card Credit cards allow you to borrow money while debit cards allow you to spend what you have in your bank account. If you’re going to go for one type of card, get credit. Why? Credit cards also provide you with benefits as it will help you build your … Read more

The Easiest Loan You Can Get

easiest loan

If you think about it, getting a credit card is the easiest type of loan you can ever get. When compared to an actual loan, a credit card is easier to obtain. But if you were to get an actual loan, you will have to go to the bank, fill out forms, and prove you … Read more